
Q1. How do some hospitals help people to communicate more easily?
A. By offering translation software between patients and doctors.
Q2. Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things.
Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
A woman is watering the flowers./ A boy is putting on his shoes.
A man is talking on the phone./ A woman is carrying the box. /
Two men are shaking their hands.
Q3. Now, look at the man in Picture B. Please describe the situation.
The boy was running at the hospital,
so he told him not to.
The man told the boy to stop
because the boy was running in the hospital.
Do you think people will depend more on AI technology in the future?
Because AI technology is very useful in our daily life.
We can save our time using AI technology.
No(Why not?)
There will be the loss of certain jobs.
Depending too much on AI will lead to a lack of communication between people.
Today, some people use online medical treatment. Would you like to use those services?
Yes(Please tell me more.)
I don’t have to move and go to the hospital .
I can choose the doctor from all over the world.
No(Why not?)
Sometimes online medical treatments have technical problems.
I can’t trust the doctor that I don’t know.